Mindfulness & Wellness



THE MICROBIOME IS...a collection of bacteria that live on your skin! Having a healthy skin microbiome (high diversity of good bacteria) keeps your skin away from skin sensitivity, eczema and allerg...
Perfume to combat stress & reduce cortisol level

Perfume to combat stress & reduce cortisol level

Hormonal imbalances, such as having high glucocorticoid levels, are common in our busy and stressful lives due to the constant pressure to be productive. Our hormones control our appetite, our mood...
Perfumes you need to boost your mood

Perfumes you need to boost your mood

The use of scent to create good mood dated back to ancient times. In China, practitioners had been using fragrant herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Religiously, even today, the practice ...
Perfume for comfort and unwinding

Perfume for comfort and unwinding

According to a Cigna 360 Well-Being Survey done in 2019, a staggering 92 per cent of working Singaporeans are stressed. We may feel that no one are in the same position as us and no one to turn to....
Dancing blue bees perfume to feel motivated

Perfume to feel strong and successful

Sometimes we all need the help of a perfume to feel strong and successful – something that does more than simply smell lovely, but can lift our spirits and almost act like a pair of shoulder pads ...