How to wear Perfume in Hot Weather?

Perfuming is a form of self-care, enjoy that beautiful intimate perfuming process, smelling the perfume, listening to the soft spritz and be in your mindful state. 

In Singapore's hot and humid weather, you may find some fragrances seems ‘stronger’ or more overpowering, and unfortunately also simply ‘disappears’ on your skin with poor longevity. How can you help your scent survive the heat in Singapore?

Here at Scent Journer, we innovate our perfumes for the hot and humid Singapore weather. Our perfumes are brighter, airier as compared middle eastern niche fragrances (we love that resinous full-bodied perfume for the winter).

As our fragrances are lighter, they are not super long lasting. However, here's how you can prevent a favourite from disappearing so quickly?

1. Apply the perfume on the inner part of your clothes.

Spraying perfume on the inner part of your clothes, allow the fabric to trap the fragrance better and be released little by little and last all day. The inner part of your clothes also get the warmth from your body temperature, hence retaining the beautiful sillage (scent trail). Lastly, spraying on the inner part also helps to prevent accidental stains on your clothes. Do remember to spray over a large area, 30cm away from your clothes!


2. Try using a unscented lotion before you spray perfume.

This helps the perfume ‘cling’ to your skin more easily and take longer to evaporate.


3. Spray pulse-points.

We spray perfume on pulse point because it is closest to our blood vessel, hence these are the warmest part of our body.

An interesting place to spray is behind your knees

– it’s a warm spot that helps you leave a fragrant trail, plus it an area with lesser contact with other objects as compared to your wrist.

Another place to perfume would be your hair.

To prevent the alcohol from drying out your hair, spray the perfume on your comb, wait for it to dry and comb your hair with it. The perfume will stay on your hair and whenever wind blows, the scent travels. 


Your favourite fragrances smell too ‘heavy’

You don’t have to do this to perfume you already love on its own, but if it’s suddenly feeling cloying rather than sensual, try layering! Give it a go: perfume isn’t a tattoo – if you don’t like it, you can wash it off!

Try layering with The Blooming Jewel, it is the lightest fragrance in the Garden of emotions collection. Moreover, it can add femininity and make your feel more beautiful. 




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