is an intense, creamy, and sensual white flower.
How is it extracted?
The tuberose blossoms are still buds when hand-picked, so that as they wilt, they can release their full aroma. It takes over 1200 kg of buds to render 200g of tuberose absolute, which makes tuberose one of the most expensive natural raw materials to use.
Did you know?
Legend has it that it was forbidden for young girls to approach the flower after dark (when it releases its scent) as they were afraid that it would bewitch them and give them “unchaste thoughts.”
How is it extracted?
The tuberose blossoms are still buds when hand-picked, so that as they wilt, they can release their full aroma. It takes over 1200 kg of buds to render 200g of tuberose absolute, which makes tuberose one of the most expensive natural raw materials to use.
Did you know?
Legend has it that it was forbidden for young girls to approach the flower after dark (when it releases its scent) as they were afraid that it would bewitch them and give them “unchaste thoughts.”

Scent Therapy
+ Aphrodisiac
+ Confidence
Scent Therapy
+ Aphrodisiac
+ Confidence
How it works
Tuberose’s narcotic scent contains indole, a compound which is also produced by our skin during human intimacy.
This stimulates parts of the brain that are responsible for sexual feelings and arousal.
It also provides emotional strength to cope with stress and tension.
How it works
Tuberose’s narcotic scent contains indole, a compound which is also produced by our skin during human intimacy.
This stimulates parts of the brain that are responsible for sexual feelings and arousal.
It also provides emotional strength to cope with stress and tension.